Bonus Outlook for Commercial Insurance Execs at Midyear

Bonuses at these [commercial] carriers are likely to trail other sectors in financial services, which are likely to increase in the range of 5% to 20%, according to Alan Johnson, founder of Johnson Associates, a compensation consulting firm…

Another challenge, when it comes to compensation is that some insurance companies are more diversified than others, Johnson said.  More diverse firms may have asset and wealth management units, or less cost-intensive insurance products, such as dental / vision insurance and supplemental benefit policies.  They may offer retirement products and have other nontraditional business lines as part of the broader organization.  This means that over time, there will be more diversity in terms of bonuses at firms based on their business mix, which can create cultural issues and jealousy, Johnson said.  “Those are some of the challenges that the industry is going to have more of as it goes forward.”

P & C Specialist / July 22, 2024


Salaries for Masters Graduates in Finance Sector Power Ahead

Chris Connors of Johnson Associates, a New York-based financial services remuneration consultancy, notes that the surge in earnings was also seen in his firm’s data. He says it was caused by higher initial pay amid fierce competition for recruits, subsequent increases linked to high inflation and a recent rise in bonuses after two stable years.

“The sector was hiring like crazy and the war for talent was very pronounced, with way higher turnover,” he says. “Since 2021, base salaries have risen far more than historical rates in financial services.”

Financial Times / June 16, 2024


Private-Equity Leaders Tout Industry Comeback, but Hiring Lags

Many private-equity firms are “a bit heavy on head count” after more than a decade of continual growth and hiring, said Chris Connors, a principal at Wall Street compensation consultant Johnson Associates.

Now some firms are focused on “curtailing expenses and cost management,” in some cases by replacing senior with junior employees or not filling openings when workers leave, Connors said.

The Wall Street Journal (WSJ Pro Private Equity) / May 28, 2024


Chief Underwriters Underrepresented Among Highest-Paid Execs at Big Commercial Carrier

“As businesses have become more diversified and global, some of the non-revenue-generating roles at insurers and other large financial services companies have gotten significantly larger and you’re seeing this manifest in proxies,” said Chris Connors, a principal at compensation consulting firm Johnson Associates. These roles often include chief legal officer, chief technology officer, chief operating officer and even chief asset management officer at some companies, he said.

P & C Specialist / May 15, 2024


Bonuses Seen Soaring for Bond Desks, Traders in Early Prediction

Bankers who underwrite debts may see payouts swell as much as 25% as deals pick up this year, according to a report Tuesday from compensation consultant Johnson Associates Inc. For bond traders and equity underwriters, incentives may rise 20%.

“In general, employees in financial services should be pretty pleased: The amount of money they earn will match the results,” Alan Johnson, the firm’s managing director, said in an interview. “If you are in a business that manages costs, and generates significant profits, pay will follow along.”

Financial industry bonuses last swelled so much when the pandemic set off a tidal wave of trading and dealmaking. But that proved temporary, leading to “unrealistic expectations” among employees about future compensation, and then disappointment in the years that followed, Johnson said.

“This should be more sustainable growth, as businesses move ahead at a moderate rate,” Johnson said.

Beyond wealth management, people working in asset management may see a bump of about 5% on the back of market appreciation. At hedge funds, incentive compensation is also likely to be up 5%, helped by returns and inflows.

“Fifteen years ago people thought financial advisers were the dinosaur, which has made a full recovery, and is now a business people want to be in, with steady fees and diversified clients,” Johnson said.

Bloomberg / May 7, 2024


Wall Street Bonuses to Rise This Year as Deals Return, Says Report

Bonuses are poised to recover on Wall Street this year, fueled by strong equity market gains and recovery in investment banking, according to financial services compensation firm Johnson Associates.

Investment bankers helping companies issue debt are expected to have the highest raises in bonuses this year, from 15% to 25%, as companies sell record volumes of debt.  As initial public offerings come back, bonuses for equity underwriters are expected to rise 10% to 20% this year.

“We are seeing almost all segments on Wall Street raising compensation”, said the firm’s founder Alan Johnson. “This should be a good year, although there are risks stemming from elections in the U.S. and global conflicts”.

Although improving, incentives in investment banking are still far from their peak in 2021. The only segment where pay is above the 2021 level is private equity, but the workforce at these companies is considerably smaller than in banks, Johnson said.

Reuters / May 7, 2024