Is It Time to Start Including Comp Ranges in Job Postings?

But Alan Johnson, managing director at Johnson Associates, a New York-based compensation-consulting firm, says he’s “leery” of including a salary range in job postings. He’s more open to the idea of companies publishing a data point—like a minimum salary—instead of a range because it’s all about managing expectations. “If you hire someone but their salary…

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In a Rare Move, Comp Changes for 2020 Announced Early

Alan Johnson, CEO at compensation consultancy Johnson Associates, believes it’s clear that Argo’s corporate governance changes are the direct result of a proxy contest led by Voce Capital… Shareholders’ concerns over Argo’s pay design were likely due to the fact that its LTIP plan was an outlier. Indeed, Johnson is surprised that Argo didn’t already…

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Manning & Napier Seeks to Be Leaner, Focus on Wealth Clients

For institutional investors and consultants assessing the health of money managers, there isn’t necessarily a direct relationship between desired headcount levels and AUM at firms, “especially in today’s market where revenue plays a larger role given the wide range of fee structures for different products,” Francine McKenzie, managing director at compensation consultant Johnson Associates Inc.,…

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Some Wall Street Workers Face Pay Slump in 2019: Report

…there is a peculiar dynamic, where pay can fall even when the economy is strong, said Alan Johnson… “This is some kind of an inflection point,” he said. “It used to be, ‘As long as AUM is up and as long as the market is up, you’ll be fine.’ But that’s no longer true.” Although…

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Wall Street Girds for Less Growth in Pay

Compensation for many employees of big banks and asset managers is expected to stay flat or drop this year… Equities trading and underwriting will probably be hardest hit, according to a new report by the compensation consultancy Johnson Associates. Their annual pay packages could fall by as much as 15 percent from last year. The…

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Wall Street Bonuses to Take a Hit From This Year’s Trading Slump

Traders and investment bankers “haven’t had the revenues that I think they were expecting,” Alan Johnson, managing director of Johnson Associates, said in an interview. “Clients haven’t come back, the volumes haven’t come back.” “The economy is clearly slowing, so how fast is that going to happen I think is the big variable,” Johnson said.…

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Expecting a Raise? Asset Mgmt Staff Set for Pay Disappointment

Asset gains will not push incentive compensation up due to the shift in assets to lower-fee products and the rebalance out of equities into fixed income strategies, the compensation consulting firm states in its second-quarter trends and year-end projections report released today. Revenues have replaced market gains and assets under management as predictors of incentive…

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Securing a Wall Street Job Now is Harder Than Ever: Insiders

A recent wave of layoffs from some of the biggest banks is making it harder than ever to get a job on Wall Street, recruiters and other insiders say… “It’s a tough time if you’re an average performer,” Alan Johnson, CEO of Johnson Associates, told The Post. “If you’re good or very good, it’s not…

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Managers Reevaluate Compensation After M&A

Mergers and acquisitions are prompting asset managers to reevaluate compensation — a process that can cause key personnel to flee if new pay plans don’t live up to their expectations. Typically when asset management firms merge, they try to combine their compensation structures, says Alan Johnson, managing director at Johnson Associates, a compensation consultancy. “If…

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Jet Perks: Which Travel Bills Were the Priciest?

Alan Johnson, CEO of compensation consultancy Johnson Associates, finds Facebook, and particularly Zuckerberg, to be brazen in undertaking personal expenditures that are a cost to the company. “Facebook, of course, they don’t care what anybody thinks,” he says. Johnson is also skeptical about the aircraft perk as a security issue. “He could reimburse the company,…

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