Wall Street Bonuses to Rise 5 to 10 pct This Year -Consultant

Wall Street’s biggest risk takers – its bond traders – will probably see their bonuses drop this year, while people in safer roles, such as money managers, will likely get a boost, according to a forecast by compensation consulting firm Johnson Associates.

Overall, it said, individual Wall Street bonuses may rise 5 to 10 percent, on average, compared with last year, as the industry continues its halting recovery from the 2007-2009 financial crisis. Top executives of Wall Street firms will see bonuses rise by as much as 5 percent, Johnson Associates said.

But Alan Johnson, who heads the firm, said there is a wide disparity in payouts among business lines. The bonus spectrum reflects new priorities for Wall Street as much as market conditions, he said…

“From a regulator’s perspective, that’s what you want,” said Johnson. “You want the banks to be in client businesses that use other people’s money so that they’re not too dependent on trading.”  Rising stock markets and weakening fixed-income markets have also been a factor in helping retail brokers and hurting bond traders, Johnson said.

Reuters / November 6, 2013