For U.S. Bond Traders, the Grinch May Steal Bonuses
Overall, bonuses on fixed-income, currency, and commodity trading desks will likely be down 10 percent to 15 percent, said Alan Johnson, head of the Wall Street compensation consulting firm Johnson Associates. It could be the third or fourth year in a row in which some Wall Street bond traders get $0 bonus checks, he added.
Just two months ago Johnson had predicted bonus increases of 5 percent to 15 percent for fixed-income traders, but since then the Federal Reserve has decided not to start winding down its bond buying stimulus program, and gridlock has hobbled Washington. Both have alarmed investors who are unsure of where markets are heading, and are reluctant to make huge bets that could quickly turn against them.
A mid-level Wall Street trader might earn $500,000. Before the crisis, total compensation might have been closer to $800,000, said Johnson of the Wall Street compensation consulting firm Johnson Associates.
Reuters / October 15, 2013