Bonus Points for ESG

At Mastercard, annual bonuses are based on several factors which make up a corporate score, a company representative told me. Up to 10% of the total corporate score represents how the company performed against ESG goals. Individual performance is the final component of the bonus calculation. This method is how executives were measured last year…

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Base Salaries Move into the Spotlight in Competitive Labor Market

A tight labor market is pressuring asset managers to reshape their compensation and benefits packages as more professionals consider new job opportunities. And while firms typically use bonuses to sweeten offers, base salaries are getting more attention, according to compensation consultancy Johnson Associates. “Even [during] the financial crisis, we didn’t have as much focus on…

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How Soaring Inflation is Affecting Pay Raise Decisions

“I’ve had more discussions about this in the last three months than in 20 years,” says Alan Johnson, whose New York City consulting firm Johnson Associates advises major companies on pay… In the same way, high inflation may frighten retirees, or those planning to retire, whose nest eggs look alarmingly inadequate at 7.5% inflation versus…

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Wall Street Opens Its Wallet to Keep Talent. It’s Not Always Enough.

Up and down Wall Street, droves of bankers are changing jobs — switching banks, moving to investment firms, taking equity stakes in financial technology companies or cryptocurrency start-ups — and sometimes getting out altogether. Pandemic-inspired ennui, blockbuster profits and a war for talent across the industry has accelerated the job churn at the country’s big…

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Candidates Question Hedge Funds on Hybrid Work, Culture, Burnout

Despite market volatility this month, the industry has a strong tailwind at its back, said Alan Johnson, managing director at compensation consultancy Johnson Associates. But concerns around office location and work approaches, something people wouldn’t have talked about a few years ago, have become a much bigger issue, he added. “The whole location and how…

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On Wall Street, Bonuses Are Up but the Mood Is Not

“It’s wild how hot the labor market is,” said Alan Johnson, a consultant who helps financial firms design their pay programs. “You’ve got crypto, you’ve got tech,” he said, plus the ever-present “siren song of private equity,” which pays far more than banks do… The payouts come after a go-go year that generated record revenue…

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Managers Cautiously Optimistic About 2022

Money managers of all sizes are nervous about what industry pundits say is the industry’s hottest-ever talent war. “Money managers are very optimistic about 2022, but also are very concerned about retention and recruitment because the hiring environment is so competitive right now,” said Alan Johnson, managing partner at Johnson Associates Inc., New York, a…

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Wall Street Bankers and Traders are in Line for the Biggest Bonus Increases Since the Great Recession

Wall Street is set to see the biggest bonus increases since the Great Recession after a busy and profitable 2021, according to a report from pay consultancy Johnson Associates. Booming deal activity, a hot IPO market and climbing equities mean bankers and traders are in line for outsized performance-based compensation, the report released Tuesday said……

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