Morgan Stanley to Pay More Bonuses Right Away
….Morgan Stanley isn’t the only bank de-emphasizing delayed gratification for its bankers and traders. Deferred bonus pay has been on a slow decline since 2010, according to consulting firm Johnson Associates Inc. Earlier this year, Johnson Associates estimated about 36% of a $1 million bonus on Wall Street is deferred, compared with 45% in 2010.…
Read MoreRecession Era’s Deferred Bonuses Paying Off Big for Wall Streeters
From the ashes of the financial crisis emerged a big change in how Wall Streeters got paid. Out went the legendarily massive year-end cash bonuses. In came IOUs. “People were screaming bloody murder,” recalled Alan Johnson of compensation consultancy Johnson Associates. “They were yelling, ‘Pay me now!’ ” Crain’s New York Business / November 29,…
Read MoreBad News for Bankers: Bonuses Might Disappoint This Year
Wall Street’s bonuses—aka the ultimate measure of all that is important and worthy in finance—might be shrinking for many a banker this year. That’s the dismal news from Johnson Associates, a compensation consulting firm, which released its annual survey on the matter on Monday. / November 10, 2014 READ ARTICLE
Read MoreEmployers Embracing Wage Hike
….Meanwhile, many retailers such as IKEA, Gap, Whole Goods and Costco aren’t standing idly by, waiting for Congress to take action. They’re already paying workers above the federal minimum wage, adds Alan Johnson, managing director at Johnson Associates, a New York-based consulting firm that specializes in compensation. Minimum-wage laws have also been passed in 22…
Read MoreMorgan Stanley Eyes Compensation Cuts for Financial Advisers: Sources
….Although Gorman’s wealth management target was the most aggressive cut to pay ratios in Morgan Stanley’s three business units, the 55 percent ratio is still much higher than the 40 percent or less he outlined for institutional securities and investment management. “Bank executives say, it’s a high-cost, high-aggravation business and why can’t we bring it…
Read MoreThe Morning Risk Report: Walmart’s Poor Score
Shareholder advisory firm ISS strongly disapproves of Walmart Stores Inc.’s corporate governance, assigning it “8” on a 10-point scale where 10 indicates the highest level of risk…. Alan Johnson, managing director at compensation consulting firm Johnson Associates, told Risk & Compliance Journal that Walmart’s practice of adjusting compensation when performance targets are not achieved is…
Read MoreMillions by Millions, CEO Pay Goes Up
Coming in a year in which corporate earnings gains continue to come mostly from job cuts and streamlining instead of organic growth, as well as nearly a decade of stagnant wage growth for rank-and-file workers, continued gains in CEO pay underscore the disconnect between boardrooms and Main Street. Among the nation’s 104.8 million full-time workers,…
Read MoreGrowth in Compensation for U.S. CEOs May Have Slowed
Big U.S. companies appear to have handed out smaller increases in compensation to their chief executives in 2013 than in 2012, mainly as a result of reduced grants of stock options, according to an early review of annual regulatory filings. Based on disclosures from 46 companies in the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index that had…
Read MoreManagers, Advisors Enjoy Comp Boost in 2013
Year-end bonuses are tethered to the tides of the market and the tide was high in 2013. According to a FundFire reader poll and expert interviews, asset managers and financial advisors mostly saw their compensation go up or hold steady compared to last year’s take. Pay bumps for both institutional asset management professionals and financial advisors…
Read MoreA King of the “Rock”
Larry Fink is one lucky guy. Fink will take home in excess of $20 million for his Wall Street work last year, when he successfully guided New York’s largest asset-management company, BlackRock. “He’s right at the top. He’ll be north of $20 million — and, of course, BlackRock has done great,” compensation expert Alan Johnson told…
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