Wall Street Bonuses Are Expected to Sink for 3rd Straight Year

Alan Johnson, the founder of Johnson Associates, describes this pattern as a “malaise,” and one that is unlikely to reverse itself anytime soon. “I don’t see it changing for the next year or two, either,” he said in a phone interview. “The pressures in the industry on profit and fees are going to continue, and…

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Deutsche Bank Said to Weigh Alternatives to Cash Bonuses

The bank risks angering staff if it abandons cash incentives entirely, said Alan Johnson, founder of New York-based compensation consultancy Johnson Associates Inc. If the board proceeds, it should at least pay cash bonuses to junior staff and structure something creatively for senior bankers that could dramatically increase in value if the bank recovers. Bloomberg /…

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It’s Getting Much Harder to Bring in $1M a Year in Asset Management Sales

“Most [asset management] sales today involve lots of people – it’s not the stereotype of an individual salesman going around picking up orders,” said Alan Johnson, the founder and managing director of Johnson Associates. “With most fund firms now having a distribution strategy across multiple channels, it requires a more nuanced comp system, more of…

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UBS Slashes Bonuses for Fee-Based Brokers, Raises Industry Eyebrows

Compensation plans are, nevertheless, meant to modify behavior, and UBS may be trying to send brokers who still like transactions another message with its new plan, according to pay consultants. “They probably figure that the transformation to fee-based has stabilized and that they need to keep high-producing brokers in place,” said Johnson Associates founder Alan…

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The Biggest Mistakes Executives Make With Retirement Packages

Let the employer make the initial offer, says Alan Johnson, managing director of Johnson Associates, an executive compensation consulting firm in New York. The problem, he says, is essentially people are guessing at what the company will give them—and they may undersell themselves. The Wall Street Journal / June 13, 2016 READ ARTICLE

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Move Over NY – Here Comes Jacksonville

“My clients have come to the conclusion that lots of these people don’t need to be in Midtown Manhattan or the City of London,” said Alan Johnson, managing director of Johnson Associates, a financial services pay consultant. “It doesn’t make sense any more.” Financial Times / May 15, 2016 READ ARTICLE

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New Rules Curbing Wall Street Pay Proposed

If federal regulators influence clawback decisions, “there’s a high probability it will drive people out of the heavily regulated part of the financial-services industry,” said Alan Johnson, managing director of Johnson Associates Inc., a compensation consulting firm that closely tracks Wall Street. To retain talent, banks and other affected institutions “will just have to pay…

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