Wall Street Bonuses Projected to Rise 10%
“A strong stock market and a favorable political and regulatory environment are contributing to one of Wall Street’s healthiest years recently,” said Alan Johnson, managing director at Johnson Associates. Crain’s New York Business / November 13, 2017 READ ARTICLE
Read MoreMoney Manager Bonuses Expected to Be 5% to 10% Higher This Year – Johnson Associates
Alan Johnson, managing director of Johnson Associates, attributed the rise in expected bonuses to “a strong stock market and a favorable political and regulatory environment” in a news release announcing the firm’s estimates. Pensions & Investments / November 13, 2017 READ ARTICLE
Read MoreWall Street Bonuses Jump 10% Under Trump, but Employee Wages Are Stagnant
“A strong stock market and a favorable political and regulatory environment are contributing to one of Wall Street’s healthiest years,” Alan Johnson, managing director of Johnson Associates, said in a statement. “As a result, incentives will be up noticeably, especially in asset management and investment banking.” / November 13, 2017 READ ARTICLE
Read MoreBank Bonuses May Turn Higher This Year
For the first time in four years, year-end bonuses for bankers in 2017 are set to grow over the prior year, according to consulting firm Johnson Associates Inc. Over all, incentive pay is expected to rise by 5% to 10%, Johnson’s survey found. Alan Johnson, who runs Johnson Associates and helps banks design compensation programs,…
Read MoreNew Laws Could Crack Gender Gap in Money Manager Pay
And one compensation consultant doesn’t believe the new law will help achieve its intended goal. Mr. Johnson remains unconvinced that the New York law will have the desired impact on the money management industry, but instead will drag out an already belabored recruiting process. “I don’t think it’s going to narrow the gap. But politicians…
Read MoreHow Nick Saban’s pay compares with top CEOs
“I think at the big programs, that’s a fair estimation,” he says. “They run a pretty big operation. They’re responsible for a lot of money. It’s an extraordinarily competitive business. So, yeah, they certainly look much more like a CEO than they did 20 or 50 years ago, in simpler times when the money was…
Read MoreBoardroom Pay Has Risen Nearly 20%, Twice the Gain of the Average American Worker
That said, Alan Johnson, managing director of compensation consulting firm Johnson Associates, pointed out that the level of director pay is set in a competitive marketplace and has actually grown at a slower pace than that of company executives. “The real issue is the income growth of the middle [class] has been sluggish,” Johnson told…
Read MoreWall Street Pay Negotiations Are Changing. This Is What You Need to Know
“It will actually be worse than it was before – the problems that it was intended to cure will get worse,” Johnson says. “[Recruiters] can certainly ask their salary expectations, and the better the negotiator you are, the further you’ll get with that, but the truth is, most candidates don’t really know [how much they…
Read MoreComp Committees Rethinking Clawbacks
Another issue to consider is how executives and potential recruits will react if the clawback provisions are viewed as too onerous, unclear or open-ended, says Alan Johnson, a New York–based executive compensation consultant. A potential worry for executives could be that “five years after I’m gone there will be a witch hunt, and they’re going…
Read MoreiPhone 8 Buzz Has Rescued Tim Cook’s $90 Million Bonus
“He’s done a great job, but the standards to earn it are way too easy,” says Alan Johnson, managing director of New York-based compensation consultancy Johnson & Associates. “You’re going to get paid an enormous amount of money if you finish in the top third of the race? Really?” MarketWatch / August 16, 2017 READ ARTICLE
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