Bonus Pools Shrinking at Traditional Managers: Report

Workers at traditional asset management firms can expect even smaller bonus payments than last year, against a backdrop of rising interest rates, inflation and disparate performance across sectors, compensation consultancy Johnson Associates forecasts. Despite increases in assets under management across traditional firms and efforts to rein in costs, Johnson Associates projects a 5% to 10%…

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Crisis Jolts Wall Street Bankers Already Resigned to Tough Job Market

“It’s not a dire scenario, but banks are paring back the excesses from the last years and feel they are moderately overstaffed,” said compensation consultant Alan Johnson, who owns a consultancy that specializes in Wall Street pay… Compensation was even lower for U.S. investment bankers, whose bonuses shrank about 30% to 50% from 2021 as…

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It’s Looking Grim for Wall Street Bonuses This Year

“This year is abnormally bad,” said Alan Johnson, managing director of Johnson Associates. “I think there will be a fair number of unhappy people. Some people will look for other jobs… But there will be layoffs, too.” But Johnson says you should be concerned by the news even if you don’t work in finance. Some…

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Bankers to See Bonuses Plunge Amid Drop in Mergers, Stock Sales

“It’s a cyclical business, and it fell off of a cliff this year,” Alan Johnson, managing director of Johnson Associates, said in an interview. “There will be a lot of unhappy people by the end of the year.” “We’ve gone from red-hot labor markets to a cool-down to layoffs,” Johnson said. There are some bright…

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New York City’s Pay-transparency Law is Coming. Wall Street’s Big Paydays Will Stay Secret, But Other changes Could Shake Up Finance.

“For more senior positions, I think it will have less impact because salary is a smaller part of pay,” Alan Johnson, the managing director of the compensation consultancy Johnson Associates, told Insider in an interview. Still, firms are worried about the legal impact of the rules. “Maybe the biggest thing is, people are worried about…

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