Posts by doubleup
Tying Pay to Compliance: Will Walmart’s Plan Work?
Lots of companies talk about making compliance and ethics a priority. Walmart is putting its money where its mouth is. The retail giant announced last month that it will soon begin basing a portion of compensation for top executives, including CEO Michael Duke, on the company’s ability to meet compliance goals. If top executives don’t…
Read MoreFor Media Moguls, Paydays That Stand Out
What’s the difference between a media mogul and a chief executive elsewhere in the business world? About $10 million in compensation, give or take. Leaders in other industries may be well paid, but as the accompanying chart shows, they earn far less than their media counterparts. Consider: the top 20 companies in the United States ranked…
Read MoreOCIO Boosts Value of Consultant Relations Pros
As investment consultants and managers launch outsourced CIO (OCIO) services to meet institutions’ demands, consultant relations professionals who woo consultants on behalf of managers have been left with a very different job description. Consultant relations professionals, who once had the sole objective of servicing investment consultants in the hopes of winning business from their institutional…
Read MoreThe Infinity Pool of Executive Pay
RELAX. Sit back. And forget, for a moment, those pesky shareholders and bothersome boards, the regulations, the investigations and all the other headaches of being a chief executive today. Dodd-Frank rules? Securities and Exchange Commission lawyers? Leave them behind. And let yourself sink into the buttery leather seat of your corporate jet as it soars…
Read MoreProposed Bonus Cap ‘to Hit Inst’l Managers’ Staff
A proposed European Union cap on managers’ bonuses is likely to hit U.S.-based staff at institutional asset managers, experts say, regardless of whether those managers have E.U. arms. Salaries at asset managers may be subject to greater scrutiny, with compensation deferred over longer periods and fiercer competition for jobs, as E.U. asset manager staff flee…
Read MoreWall Street Compensation & Benefits Association (WSCB)
2012 Compensation and Improving yet Cloudy 2013 March 2013 Read Presentation
Read More‘Dumb’ Bonus Caps Won’t Reduce Pay, Aren’t Coming to the U.S.
The European Union appears well on its way implementing strict caps on banker bonuses, with finance chiefs for 26 of the 27 EU nations backing the proposed rules. The caps have ruffled many a feather on both sides of the pond, as the rules also apply to Americans working for EU banks as well as…
Read MoreManager Move Sparks Analyst Bonus Debate
Manning & Napier, an asset manager with $45 billion under management, has devised an unorthodox way of compensating its analysts, penalizing them for selections that cause underperformance in client portfolios and carrying these penalties forward into future years. It says the method more closely links analyst goals with institutional investors, but experts disagree… “It is…
Read MoreThe Bright Side of Bank Robbery
Morgan Stanley’s reported move to defer 100% of 2012 bonuses for high-earning employees is the crescendo of a trend of big banks deferring more pay in recent years. It’s the second straight year of big deferrals at Morgan Stanley, which a year ago held back 75% of bonuses for traders, investment bankers, and other high…
Read MoreIndustry Cautiously Optimistic on 2013 Pay: Poll
Many industry professionals are optimistic that their 2013 compensation will be higher than last year’s pay. That is according to the results of an Ignites poll that also found nearly 40% of participants predict they will earn about the same amount this year as last year. Roughly 36%, or 156 voters, expect their total 2013…
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