2019 Comp: Morgan Stanley Adds Account-Level Bonuses, Leaves Grid Unchanged

Compensation Consultant Alan Johnson of Johnson Associates in New York said the potential 3% grid-rate bump is, nevertheless, “dramatic” enough to get advisors’ attention. “Three points is a lot,” said Johnson when briefed on the details of the plan by a reporter. “Morgan Stanley is signaling that [financial plans and asset gathering] are important to…

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Equities Traders May See Biggest Bonus Jump of Up to 15% in 2018

“The mantra is hedge funds should make more money in volatile markets, that’s always been their elixir,” Johnson said. “That’s not as automatic as it once was.” Johnson Associates bases bonus estimates on first-quarter results and conversations with clients. The forecasts often change throughout the year. Bloomberg / May 9, 2018 READ ARTICLE

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Netflix CEO Reed Hastings Was Paid $24 Million Last Year

“They’re just going to go to the salary they wanted to do in the first place,” said Alan Johnson, a financial compensation expert who runs the consulting firm Johnson & Associates. “The only reason you would change it because of the tax law is because you never believed in bonuses.” CNN Money / April 23,…

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Three Lessons From Early Pay Ratios

Similarly, Alan Johnson, managing director and founder at Johnson & Associates, suggests these pay disclosures may be only the beginning. For example, consider the gender pay gap information that companies are being required to disclose in the U.K. this year, he says. “I think we’re going to have ratios like this in different states in…

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Industry Growth Reflected in Asset Manager Pay

Firms are demonstrating willingness to give hefty pay boosts to particularly talented young tech experts. However, “these big jumps are still cheap relative to the much bigger compensation packages required to retain more-senior employees,” said Johnson Associates managing director Francine McKenzie in the report. “Even with the recent market volatility, we continue to forecast a…

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Listed: Richest and Poorest 401(k) Plans

Boards have oversight of retirement plans, but not at a deep level. They generally leave it to management, says Alan Johnson, managing director of compensation consulting firm Johnson Associates. That may be one reason why participation is low at many companies. “I think most companies have looked at 401(k)s as kind of a hygiene factor.…

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